We celebrated the release of our first community-funded book of poems with readings by contemporary poets. Infinity in the Guest Room c. anthology was presented at a sold-out KecsUP literary evening, where after the introduction, our editors gave the stage to the authors of the volume. By publishing the book, we wanted to support contemporary artists, which would not have been possible without our readers.

We give voice to culture
"We shape the culture together. It's up to us how much space contemporary artists get in the countryside." Norbert Falusi, the moderator of the literary evening, quoted from the community campaign that ensured the publication of the Versanthology. A staff member of our paper spoke with the volume's editor, Jakab Radics, in Szarvashat, a new community space at Szarvas utca 6. On December 14, the audience found out how we got to infinity in the Guest Room. for the publication of a selection of poems.

The cultural initiatives of the past year have shown that it is worth dealing with contemporary poets. We held the first literary evening last December, where Florencia Horváth from Budapest and Attila Sándor Pál from Szentendre were our guests. On the occasion, Attila Papp-Sebők also read from his poems, which was followed by a reading evening open to the public.

So many students and adults presented their own writing at the sold-out event that the possibility of contemporary versantology arose that evening. This was followed this year by several independent and self-organized literary evenings in the city, which showed that young authors need a community and venue where they can present themselves. Tibor Vámos was the guest of the second KecsUP literary evening organized in September, where the audience also had the opportunity to read their own poems.

Our editorial department gave even more space to poetry when it announced a national tender in September and collected poems for the publication of an anthology. The result of this campaign is infinity in the Guest Room. The authors of the volume include the invited guests of our literary evenings, and several up-and-coming artists from Kecskemét responded to the national invitation.



Segítjük az állampolgári tájékozódást és tájékoztatást, a közéleti kultúrát és szolgáljuk a közjót, kiemelten az információszabadság érvényre juttatása és a közügyekben való állampolgári részvétel népszerűsítése révén.
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